I could not hold myself when I have seen a new release from Good Fairy - Nyna and Subshana, amazing female outfits in national middle-east theme with flower and decorative ornament, consists of kamize, shalwars, dupatta (shawl on sholder) and headscarf.
GOOD FAIRY is one of famous national cloth brands, creator pays tribute and respect to middle-east theme and follows a national cloth traditions in styling, keeping a spirit and pride of Muslim religion with much care and attention to details.
GOOD FAIRY is cloth brand with respectful attitude to national culture, offers historical, RP and modern casual cloth for men and women, special decor and furniture. There are many Sales events, Gifts and good Customer service inworld store.
also you may join store group and get all benefits as Group Member.
In mountain journey Tara wears NYNA and SUBSHANA outfits and change color textures via HUDs.
I complemented my styling with "Tara Mantra" golden halo with sparkles by TARA, bracelets by HJ, Elsa rings by Vibing and Hasu Golden Flower with holding animation (gift from Fantasy Faire 2022), as well PINK MOON poses for photography and modeling runway.
The same time I had a chance to get a landmark to visit new breathtaking landscaping place with high mountains, great sky, fog clouds, realistic nature, fresh air and feeling of freedom - Cloud Edge http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Echo%20Mountain/144/207/74
And here is my new journey there, please, join me!
I do walking through mountains pass feeling myself as part of surrounding, a great pure nature, being in sacred place in silence. Great mountains rise up, and their bases disappear into the mist. I am at the height of the mountains, where birds soar freely, where they find peace in meditation.
The mountain path does not yet know human feet, but the stones themselves seemed to lay down to show how best to pass.
I hear the currents of the wind at a height, I hear the distant sound of a waterfall, I hear the rustle of grass and tree branches, I hear the sound of the wings of birds in the height. enjoy the silence with me. and you can even hear the light of the sun.
Look, how wonderful landscapes are! Much real and natural, with fluffy pine trees, ringing air, textured stones, live grass, thick clouds of fog...
The mountain path leads us to the bridge, which disappears in a dense veil of fog, as if the world ends here. Are you willing to venture into the unknown? A few long seconds when you even stop breathing and a new view opens up in front of you and you feel stones and earth under your feet and all sounds return again, giving a feeling of life.
And the mountains rise again in the distance...
Such places can be called magical magical, on your journey you can meet birds and learn to hear and understand them. And find your golden flower or even Shambhala ..
Undoubtedly, high mountains have always been considered the home of the gods and people went there for blessing, enlightenment, teaching and understanding of the Universe. Tara carried with her the Indian mantra of the goddess Tara, which sounds like "om tare tuttare ture swaha" and wishes everyone peace in the soul and love in the heart.
Thank you for being with me in this Cloud Edge with Good Fairy journey!
P.S. Please, subscribe my Blog for more interesting reviews:
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- click SUBSCRIBE inworld at Tara's shop in Elegance (no group needed) and get a GIFT Poetry book with illustrations. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Buenos%20Aries%20City/115/214/26