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Writer's pictureTara Aers

Art&Fashion Union 2022

Updated: Dec 21, 2022

Hello and thank you to reading my new blog article. Today I will tell you about wonderful and rare event what takes place only ONE time per year - ART&FASHION UNION show and UNITY ART Anniversary Finale expo.

After struggling with circumstances in real life, we finally finished the video and voice acting and prepared two videos. Thank you so much Max L`vovich (video), Tekillka Irbis (rus voice), Tini Lisle (eng voice).

In my blog article I use speech, posters, vendors and host script text written by Viktor Savior. Screenshots from video made by Max L`vovich (tsym).

Viktor Savior, the Artist and UNITY Art Project and UNITY Fashion Agency founder, event organizer. UNTY ART is a great teamwork we all made together, which is no wonder, about 60 people were involved and here, in DRAGON SANCTUARY GALLERY we have 1st Anniversary art expo and Art&Fashion Union show.

Viktor says: My biggest congratulations to everyone in person and all big UNITY ART Team for 1st Anniversary of the project we hold in November-December, 2022 at Dragon Sanctuary Gallery! This Gallery has a really special place in my heart and as well this project began here and here it ends most gloriously.Last year we made an amazing journey, dedicated to Art, Styling, and Blogging. We visited 12 great places - sims and galleries - and brought there a piece of Art World.

We gave a chance for new artists to step into the big SL Art community and opened doors of hope and belief in themselves.

We met new friends which made an inspired, spiritual, and mentor connection between personalities.


the ONE russian art gallery located on skybox at Dragon Sanctuary sim. There is a current art expo: Art as Life's expression, presents artworks by Tekillka Irbis, Tara Aers, Girasol and Orpheus Paxlapis. This is a home place for Viktor's art and 3-4 guest artists every half year. Support rus-speaking artists with exhibitions and promotions. If you are interesting in collaboration, please, contact with ViktorSavior.


This is an annual fashion show that brings together many creative stylists who love Art and this year it is dedicated to 1st Anniversary of the UNITY ART project on November-December at Dragon Sanctuary Gallery.

We already did this amazing show twice before and we can proudly say - Everyone loves it! This is a new experience for every stylist, where you can create "pictures in life" and reveals them via fashion outfits.

Many our models who will go on runway today are Artists and Stylists at the same time and feel a great opportunity to show and express their artistic vision, position, emotions, and feelings to all people. The Art&Fashion Union show gives this chance to everyone. Join us and let yourself be free with creativity!

UNITY ART project by Viktor Savior founded on November 4, 2021 was created to support and promote Art in SL. This project unites Artists, Bloggers, and Creators inworld who feel a passion to express themselves creatively, revealing themselves in Art, connecting artists all over the world and their vision, and expressing feelings with words and pictures.

If you wish to join our team UNITY ART and take a part in expos, and events, if you are an art lover or collector - Welcome:


Art Area was built by Viktor Savior. The fashion stage was organized by Viktor Savior and Orpheus Paxlapis. The backstage director is Hyaecinte. Voice hostess is Tekillka Irbis. She wears a gorgeous dress "Submitting to a Dream", the design was inspired by her own artwork. Our text hostess is Obi Ai. She wears a beautiful dress with a shawl, a design inspired by "Infinity#16" by Orpheus Paxlapis. This is a new Art Collection from Arkona. We also would like to thank Hanne Strawberry Kenin, the creator of PINK MOON poses for supporting our models with wonderful poses and professional mentoring.

We would like to thank Dragon Sanctuary Sim owner Jia Dragon Allen for making this show possible and for his generous support for art and fashion in SL.

Outside and around the Dragon Gallery, there is a road of all the 12 months dedicated to every Gallery/sim we were, with beautiful Art, a Poster with a Blog magazine link, LM to every Gallery, and info.

Take your time to walk around and pay attention and gratitude to all people who contributed talent, time, and effort to this project.


In our 1st walk we will see a wonderful journey as a tribute to the UNITY ART project overall 12 months of art expos, where our models will represent their art blogs which were published in magazines. Full versions may see by clicking on the month's posters in Art Area or online weblink

For the first walk, we asked our models to choose ONE of the Art Blog outfits they did during the year for the UNITY ART project. Indeed, it was a hard choice, because everyone has many "Inspired by Art" amazing outfits that deserved to be shown " live" on the big stage.

During our first walk, we will make an amazing journey overall for 12 months and pay a tribute to Art and Artists, with big thanks to bloggers' work as well. This art blogs you may see, if you walk around Art Area and click on posters with Art Blog Magazine online link.

Welcome on stage HYAECINTE

She made an art blog and personal interpretation of EARTH ON FIRE by ZIA BRANNER using SLAVIA Lina, Watch, and Bones jewelry, which was represented at FOCUS Gallery with the theme “OPEN THE BORDERS” in April 2022.

Zia Branner is a famous RL artist from the Netherlands, who represents art in SL for many years and got well-deserved recognition, respect, and admiration for her style. The quote 'Art is rebellion against the finiteness of life' fits perfectly for Zia and her art. She is a great stylist also and has an excellent sense of style.

Hya has felt a deep connection with Artist and Art and her words are going from the deepest soul with a strong message to everyone:

"Closing our borders.

Closing our hearts.

Closing our hopes for a better world.

What is left to give to the children?"

Welcome on stage VIKTOR

He made an art blog and personal interpretation of STONE AGE by ULERIA CARAMEL using ARKONA Alukard coat, FIND THE FISH Slavic Pride tattoo, GOOOD BALANCE Spartan sword, Rock with text and raven, which was represented at ARTCARE Gallery with theme “HUMAN’S FEELINGS” on February 2022.

Uleria Caramel is RL/digital artist from Finland, who represents her art in SL for many years, having a uniquely recognizable style, specific color palette, and artistic vision.

Viktor got inspired by her artwork and his words are:

"Always fight until the last moment.

Even if everything goes against you.

And you will win!"

Welcome on stage ORPHEUS

He made an art blog and personal interpretation of NIGHTSKY by VIKTOR SAVIOR using FIND THE FISH Colorful Galaxy Deep blue tattoo, which was represented at DRAGON SANCTUARY Gallery with the theme “LIGHT IN THE DARK” in November 2021.

Viktor Savior is a Russian/Ukrainian Artist who creates RL and Digital Art. He is a photographer, blogger, fashion stylist, creator, and event and expo organizer.

Orpheus was inspired by his artwork and here is what he says:

"I dream. Sometimes I think that’s the only right thing to do. To dream, to live in a world of dreams. The answer is dreams. Dreaming on and on. Entering the world of dreams and never coming out. Living in dreams for the rest of the time.

That's my way to making dreams into reality."

Welcome on stage GIRASOL

She made an art blog and personal interpretation of BE THE CHANGE by ORPHEUS PAXLAPIS using the FIND THE FISH Aether tattoo, which was represented at SURREAL GALLERY Gallery with the theme “CHANGES” in June 2022.

Orpheus Paxlapis is an inspired RL/digital Artist from Greece. He always pays a tribute to greek traditions and national culture. Every of his artwork is full of deep meaning and personal emotions. He is a great stylist, photographer, blogger, and creator.

Girasol was inspired by his artwork and created an amazing style to bring this image to life. Her words are very wise, let’s listen to them:

“It is true that,

when you meet all your versions,

and accept them, and love them,

there comes peace,

and with peace, freedom,

and with freedom,

the place of infinite possibilities.”

Welcome on stage TIM

He made an art blog and personal interpretation of MIDNIGHT KISSES by DANTE HELIOS using TARA Shakti Halo, which was represented at the COVENSTEAD Gallery with the theme “HUMANITY OF UNIVERSE” in October 2022.

Dante Helios is a digital artist and photographer from the UK. This is how he describes his artistic way: “Having been interested in Art for most of my life, it was initially the visual aspects of SL that attracted me and made me want to explore what it had to offer. I've been in SL for many years now and am continuously inspired by the developing creativity of its artists and designers as well as some amazing people who I've met and befriended over the years.”

Tim was inspired by artistic work and felt a deep connection and wish to bring his reflection to life. He shared his words with us:

“The pure, minimalist, and dark colors generally attract me. This art shows affection, love,

but also sadness, for example about the long past, which has nevertheless remained like a mark. My styling shows one half of the image, holding in sorrow the present in his hands, while the other half glows in the golden circle behind him, always protecting him.”

Welcome on stage FREYA

She made an art blog and personal interpretation of WAVES by MAREEA FARRASCO using ALB Hanna shoes, which was represented at COVENSTEAD Gallery with the theme “HUMANITY OF UNIVERSE” in October 2022.

Mareea Farrasco is an SL photographer from Romania and the owner of IMAGO Art Galleries. Her photography covers a large field, from portraits to landscapes, from concrete to metaphoric images, from narrative scenes to simple forms and shapes exposed for themselves. The common line in all this diversity is pure emotion.

Pastel colors are her favorites, expressions of a nostalgic painterly mood. But sometimes she adds some color accents or, on a contrary, some dark shades and shadows, showing joy or fears, related to her feelings of the moment.

The pictures she creates are small steps in the indefinite journey to herself, in the middle of the noisy yet amazing Second Life.

Freya immediately captured this amazing artwork and bring us her interpretation:

“Wave is an amazing abstract piece that blends yellows and teals in oscillation. The simplified nature of the artwork belies the complexity that hides underneath the cool-toned pallet that was used. A mixture of comfort, depression, and the ephemeral nature of our world lurks under the surface of this stunning piece of art. “

Welcome on stage KITTY

She made an art blog and personal interpretation of TIGER IN THE CITY by DEYANIRA YALIN using a JUST IMAGINE gown, TARA Rykdom handbag, which was represented at INMOTION sim with the theme “MY REFLECTION” in September 2022.

Deyanira Yalin is RL/digital Artist from Mexico. Her paintings started with oils and acrylics in expositions in Mexico City, and she has continuously expanded to incorporate other media types. As a graphic designer, the influence of Second Life has helped her to embrace the digital art form, which now includes several exhibits in Second Life.

Kitty was captivated by deep meaning of artwork and created her continuation of the story:

“I see a beautiful white tiger roaming in the grass outside a beautiful Mansion. The tiger is hiding from the zoo keepers who are looking for the tiger”.

Welcome on stage JASCHA

She made an art blog and personal interpretation of SEA OF TREES by JAMEE SANDALWOOD using the FIND THE FISH Earth Element tattoo, TARA Element Ball, which was represented at INMOTION sim with the theme “MY REFLECTION” in September 2022.

Jamee Sandalwood is a professional photographer, artist, model, stylist and blogger in SL comes from USA. Jamee is known for her work with shadows and lighting and considers herself to be a shadow artist as of this time, though she continues to explore more areas of photography and art.

Jascha was inspired by a digital masterpiece and created her art reflection as a harmonical connection with Artist’s vision. Her words are full of deep meaning and understanding of life:

“One day a year, I'm allowed to show myself... and if you are lucky, you can discover and observe me. I use the day for my water dance and work on the shadow images on the water's surface. My spells are limited, yet I can do many things with them. And nature is so grateful for any help. Why should I not put all my strength into it? After all, I am a part of it... for eternity.”

Welcome on stage IREM

She made an art blog and personal interpretation of AFTER A LONG SLEEP by TARA AERS using the TARA Shakti halo, which was represented at COVENSTEAD sim with the theme “HUMANITY OF UNIVERSE” in October 2022.

Tara is a new RL/digital Artist in SL from Ukraine. She loves creative experiments and tries many different technics to mix and match them, paying tribute to native traditions and national culture, keeping a high spirituality in every image. She is a great stylist, blogger, photographer, fashion model, and creator.

Irem was inspired by a wonderful art piece, which immediately awakens her feelings and wishes to make a connection with the art image in a frame, being a live reflection. Her soul brings us a beautiful poem:

“Oh, Muse, mistress of dreams,

I sing inspiration to you alone!

I bow my head without further ado

After all, only You can give oblivion...”

Welcome on stage DANIEL

He made an art blog and personal interpretation of WHITE ROBED LADY by SHEBA BLITZ using a TARA Metal ball, which was represented at COVENSTEAD sim with the theme “HUMANITY OF UNIVERSE” in October 2022.

Sheba Blitz is an RL/SL artist from Australia. She has studied many art forms over the years but always returns to geometrical-based art forms such as her Mandalas. Her background is in mechanical & electrical drafting. Her Mandalas are hand painted on paper or canvas and no computer is used.

Daniel was inspired by the SL art photo made by Sheba. He brings us his vision and styling as an art connection and says: “For every action, there is a reaction. It all depends on you and fortune has nothing to do with it.”

Welcome on stage ZAFIRAH

She made an art blog and personal interpretation of TRIP OF COLORS by DRAGON using LAMU FASHION Italian style dress, which was represented at SERENA ARTS CENTER with the theme “MY ART JOURNEY” in August 2022.

Dragon is RL/digital Artist from Italy. With a passion for art since childhood, he always mixed digital and various mediums with classic natural painting. His works are inspired by Dali and Picasso and they represent his emotions and visions, always with a hidden message, to make the viewers think and meditate on actual life, values, and problems. With an abstract and surreal vision, he brings his world to the art scene, with a dark goth touch and sometimes a colorful contrast of colors from an impressionist palette.

Zafirah was inspired by colorful impressive art and brings us her style reflection with a few words from her heart: “My itinerary in "My Art Journey" takes me into the fascinating and innovative world of Picasso: " Art is not truth. Art is a lie that makes us reach the truth, at least the truth that we are given to understand" as said, Pablo Picasso.

Welcome on stage EMELINE

She made an art blog and personal interpretation of PERCEPTION by TILLY OPALINE using the TARA Baroqued Magic Ball, which was represented at SERENA ARTS CENTER with the theme “MY ART JOURNEY” in August 2022.

Tilly Opaline is a new SL Artist and well-known fashion stylist from Italy. She brings the sun and the creativity of Italy that she tries to express also in SL through her art and fashion works. She loves to play with shapes and colors when she feels free like a child and her thoughts fly away. She loves this state of thought that is both engaging and liberating at the same time.

Emeline got inspiration from an artistic masterpiece and she says:

“After all the design elements of colors and textures and rhythms are taken away, only the raw or key elements are left which can be one of the most eye-drawing elements of all! In my attempts to capture this incredible wonder I chose to echo those same few elements into my style.”

Welcome on stage LISA

She made an art blog and personal interpretation of TENDERNESS OF THE SNOW LEOPARD by TEKILLKA IRBIS using TARA Laced Balls, which was represented at the INMOTION sim with theme “MY REFLECTION” in September 2022.

Tekillka Irbis is an inspired Artist from Russia. The virtual world gave her a chance to believe in her abilities and bring creativity to people over the world. This is what she says: "My work in SL is what I feel and how I live. Friends, relatives, loved ones, all those who bring at least a piece of their soul into my life. Creativity helps to get to know yourself and the environment better and allows you to share emotions with those around you, to make the world brighter and kinder."

Lisa was touched by her artwork and here is what she says about: "Art piece "Tenderness of the snow leopard" attracted my attention because snow leopards are known to be solitary animals and capturing a moment of coupled leopards is rare.

For my styling, I focused on more of the snow leopard's climate, the cold, rocky and lone aspects of living in the Himalayas."

Welcome on stage PHARAGON

He made an art blog and personal interpretation of CONSUMED by HYAECINTE using the FIND THE FISH Fire Element tattoo, which was represented at the INMOTION sim with theme “MY REFLECTION” in September 2022.

Hyaecinte is an artistic photographer from the Netherlands. She is a Fashion stylist RL/VR and a very creative and free-minded person. This is how she describes herself:

"I believe art is not about how pretty you can make something but how you can translate what is inside to the outside. Art is a feeling and a desire and it can take so many forms, like writing or dancing or painting, or even cooking. Let that feeling guide you and use the art forms that translate what I want to translate the best for me at moment. That is how I feel as an artist."

Pharagon has felt a personal connection with an art piece and here are his words about:

"Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate to know that for destruction ice is also great and would suffice."

Welcome on stage TARA

She made an art blog and personal interpretation of WHERE THE GODS LIVE by VIKTOR SAVIOR using MYA Virgencita gown, TARA Diwali Fireworks halo, SLAVIA Abigail and Brianna jewelry, which was represented at CARMEL Art Gallery with the theme “STATE OF MIND” on May 2022.

Viktor Savior is a Russian/Ukrainian Artist. He creates real artworks like paintings and different digital art, including a new style of “digital immersive” you can see very soon in SL. He loves experiments and opens something new every time for all art lovers, admirers, and simple people who need to believe in their skills. He is a greatly inspired stylist, photographer, blogger with exceptional style, creator, and art and fashion events, organizer.

Tara creates a tribute to the famous Mexican myth about the Virgin Mary as a mix of religion and mystic elements turn them into an amazing artistic fashion style together with Sacred mountains from the painting "Where the Gods live" by Viktor Savior and she says:

“This is a magnificent myth about the Virgin Mary, whom the Mexicans call Virgencita. About her miracles, which she showed as a sign of her existence. Beautiful roses on the cloak of a poor peasant, which is still being studied by modern scientists as a wonderful relic.»

Welcome on stage JOSIE

She made an art blog and personal interpretation of STATE OF MIND by KISMA REIDLING-STEPANICH using a SHUSHU outfit, which was represented at CARMEL Art gallery with the theme “STATE OF MIND” in May 2022.

Kisma Reidling is Real Life Visionary Mixed Media Artist from the USA. She is most happy to come into SL and share her real-life paintings with all people around. The best way to explain who she is and what she does is to simply visit a website ->

Josie was inspired by original colorful captivating artwork and created her art reflection through fashion style with special poems:

“My head is spinning over you

I think I'm losing my defenses

And when I'm standing next to you

I feel the failure of my senses

You keep me locked under your spell

I think I'm losing my direction

And when I hear you say my name

My body falls under sedation.”

Welcome on stage TILLY

She made an art blog and personal interpretation of ESCAPE NEGATIVITY by WREN CARLING using a TARA Mandala outfit, which was represented at RAINBOW PAINTERS Art gallery with the theme “HAPPINESS IN COLORS” in July 2022.

Wren Carling Parker is a digital SL photographer from the USA. She enjoys creating stories to capture with her imagination and lens. She challenges herself to learn and grow with each capture, as well as, seeking new perspectives and ideas. Wren is an award-winning photographer in Second Life, working for Primperfect, Primgraph, and Focus magazines. She is currently a co-curator at The grove Art Center.

Tilly has felt a connection with this artwork and created her artistic vision as a reflection of feelings with a personal message:

“Freedom. The wonder of nature, with its colors, its sounds, its thousand scents. The shadows and fears that we carry inside and from which we want to escape ... because being reborn is always possible and nature is the proof! So let's get out of our prisons and collect all the colors!”

Welcome on stage LOREZ

He made an art blog and personal interpretation of RAINBOW EXPLOSION by VIKTOR SAVIOR using an ARKONA Inspiration suit, which was represented at RAINBOW PAINTERS Art gallery with the theme “HAPPINESS IN COLORS” in July 2022.

Viktor Savior is a Russian/Ukrainian Artist. He creates very colorfully, bright artworks full of light and positive senses in abstract, impressionism styles as real paintings or digital art. Very soon you will see a new art style from him called “immersive”. He is an inspired fashion stylist and photographer, blogger and creator, and art and shows organizer.

Lorez, a highly creative person himself, got inspiration from abstract colorful impressionism and bring us his artistic vision and thoughts about art:

“What is it that unites the many varieties of colors that we perceive at every moment of our existence? Do we touch with our hands? Many of you surround it as the origin of this belongs, of what surrounds us, showing itself without ever disappearing, in the

the immensity of its magnificence.”



ARKONA designer's team has created a NEW ART FASHION COLLECTION with the support of the Unity Team: 18 famous SL/RL artists gave their Art for cloth design and 18 fashion stylists will represent Art on stage during 2nd walk.

Many of them are Artists and Stylists at the same time and feel a great opportunity to show and express their artistic vision, position, emotions, and feelings to all people. The Art&Fashion Union show gives this chance to everyone. Join us and let yourself be free with creativity!

Welcome on stage HYAECINTE

Hya steps out on stage in elegant grace 20s style outfit, consisting of a skirt, top, and hat, and represents her artistic photo work called “Frustrations”. Yes, she is Artist and Stylist in one at the moment and much proud to have an opportunity to say loud about all her feelings from her sensitive artistic soul:

“I remember standing in front of the camera unable to somehow 'symbolize' the feeling of 'frustration'. Instead, I started screaming at the top of my lungs. At that moment, I felt all the frustration I had inside me leave my body and become visible on camera. Afterward, the photographer smiled. I did too.”

Welcome on stage VIKTOR

Viktor goes on stage in a wonderful suit with photo-work “Luanes” by Jaminda Moon. Viktor is Artist himself but today he pays respect to his friend artist and represents her art in romantic styling. He holds a cute white bunny and brings a lovely message to everyone, whose hearts are opened to true and clear feelings:

“Luanes is the wonderful magical world where all love dreams and romance come true. We want to believe that true love exists. Yes, it's. Just reach your hand out and say "I love you.”

Welcome on stage ORPHEUS

Orpheus brings us a wave and smell of freedom of the greek sea. His suit is a reflection of his real painting called “Infinity #14” in which he allows us to touch the ancient greek philosophy, the explanation that everything originated from the Apeiron (the “infinite”), as the originating cause of the world. This motion caused opposites, such as hot and cold, to be separated from one another as the world came into being. In short, those abstracts are short moments coming from chaos creating forms as they are about to be born and take shape.”

“Infinity #14” represents a SEA and Orpheus says: “Smell the sea and feel the sky. Let your soul and spirit fly. Meet me where the sky touches the sea. The ocean is more ancient than the mountains and freighted with the memories and dreams of Time. Our souls can reach both to the unlimited clear skies and dive into the deepest depths of the oceans.”

Welcome on stage GIRASOL

Girasol wears a sexy elegant jumpsuit inspired by one of her "Nude Series" photos which make a tribute to one of the most famous South-American poets Mario Benedetti:

"Because you are lovely from feet to soul. Because you are good from your soul to me."

In this collection of paintings, Girasol is expressing through artistic nudes in meaningful and tasteful poses, upon a black background. Using the text as her voice to communicate more directly with the viewer calling anyone who comes near to see and read. The text is not only her voice but is also a message that the form is used in a smart way that itself takes its form becoming part of the balanced synthesis. Her art can be a result of her own philosophical and high spiritual way of seeing the world around her and turning it into an art like no other in a very special way to be felt.

Welcome on stage TIM

Tim wears an elegant shirt, the design was inspired by the artwork “Fiore Brown” by Vita Theas. Nowadays, men should be strong, smart, and elegant, to have success in society and business. But it is more important to have a burning flame heart inside that moves you to good actions and deeds. That is why you are respected as a person.

Tim brings us his thoughts about Art: “The Art reminds me of the sun, that is spreading in colors in the sunset. You can sink in the mix of blue, red, and yellow, feeling the last warm sunbeams of the autumn evening, while walking with your dog along the beach, listening to the sound of the waves, and watching the sunset.”

Welcome on stage FREYA

Freya reveals herself like the magic fairy on stage in an amazing little dress inspired by “YinYang Mandala” by Sheba Blitz. A cute style showing the playful side of the balance of the art along with all the colors which make it wonderful.

Freya addresses the audience with respect: “Mandalas represent the cosmos metaphysically; a time-microcosm of the universe. They show the relation to the infinite and the world that extends beyond and within. Love and balance are repeated throughout this piece, highlighting without love there is no balance, and without balance, there is no love.”

Welcome on stage KITTY

She appears as Queen. And as a proper Queen, she knows the greatness of her power but never uses it for any bad purpose. She knows what true Depth is.

Kitty represents a gorgeous dress with a shawl inspired by the artwork “Depth” by Zia Branner. She looks at the audience with dignity and says: “The parting of the red sea, the blood of the battle between good and evil left behind on dark ashen rocks. The shining white light of heaven shines strongly through all the turmoil of the battle of good and evil.”

Welcome on stage JASCHA

Jascha goes on stage in an elegant long dress divine in Sunset colors. She represents her photo work called “Hell in Heaven”. All feelings, artistic vision, and mystic message were expressed in her words: “Once hell stretches out its fingers towards heaven, it is we angels who take up the fight and absorb all the hellfire within us. Heaven is sacred and must be protected to be preserved eternally. You humans only see the changing of the colors on the firmament. Even if it looks as if hell meets heaven, you will never be able to see what is happening behind...”

Welcome on stage IREM

Irem appears on stage like beautiful Queen from the dreamy fairy tales, wearing an amazing dress with a shawl inspired by the artwork “Unicorns” by Dante Helios. She smiles beautifully and lands a hand on a magical animal, offering a protect, love and blessings. Her words sound like a silver stream:

“A fairy tale lives inside everyone. Coming from childhood, clinging to faith in a miracle, teaches us kindness, beauty, and friendship. And love. Love is real magic!”

Welcome on stage DANIEL

Daniel goes on stage in an abstract painted suit inspired by “Colorful Night” by indian artist Jaz. The multidimensionality of the world exists in Indian artists’ work and a real explorer will always go forward, opening new paths.

Daniel says, addressing the audience: “Fantasy worlds have always fascinated me with their endless possibilities. Habitual forms acquire a new essence in them, are filled with a different meaning, and obey different laws. Fantasy is beautiful in its infinity.”

Welcome on stage ZAFIRAH

Zafirah is happy to present a wonderful outfit, dress, and hat, inspired by the artwork “Hypnosis” by Tarozaemon Rossini. This abstract colorful styling is weird looking, amazing captivating, and elegant at the same time. Zafirah brings us an adorable female charm with a mix of geometric lines and says:

“As the name of the artwork created by the author, Hypnosis, indicates, my gaze is attracted, hypnotized, by the bright intense colors and the shape of the lines of which the outfit is also formed. Wearing this outfit is like being wrapped in a mantle of colors and being transported into a magnetic vortex of powerful energy. Capturing the attention of the viewer is what I want to communicate.”

Welcome on stage EMELINE

Emeline is wearing the beautiful dress with the “Pink Summergarden 16” by Sisi Biedermann. She is presenting herself wearing a whole field of pretty, fresh pink flowers on her, bringing the whole spring season during the start of the winter, reminding us that the warm sunny days will come again along with the earth’s rebirth.

“What a motley of hues that flow in my dress with each step I if all the spectral pigments themselves lept off the canvas onto me...tainting my life with a certain destiny I was not aware of. Becoming imbued like this I knew I'd found the palette of new possibilities for infinite beauty.”

Welcome on stage LISA

Lisa wears a long boho dress with ornament inspired by the artwork “Ocean Circles” by Moora McMillan. Lisa brings with her outfit the refreshing scent of the ocean with her. Being so comfortable enjoying the sunshine while having calm walks by the seaside while gentle waves go come back and forth, humming their songs.

Lisa says: “Ocean features an intricate array of patterns near the top of the dress. When viewing Moora's work, "Ocean Circles" the composition feels pleasantly balanced, along with the choice of colors. The style of the dress reminds me of a more traditional type of clothing.”

Welcome on stage PHARAGON

Pharagon wears a shirt with a vest inspired by the artwork “Queen's Gambit” by Prins. He got a personal impression of this picture and says:

“This art brought several thoughts to mind; pandemonium, power, hell, and sorrow. With this vest I find myself becoming the sovereign force of hell with a crown and cane to show for it. The blocked shirt the endlessness of hell, while the rips in my jeans represent suffering. This art is powerful and now, so am I.”

Welcome on stage TARA

Tara is proud to represent her artwork "Yellow Flowers Dream" wearing an elegant dress and hat. Yes, flowers can dream and artists can feel this connection and express in colors and brush strokes all flower's life and dreams, making a living breathing expressive art. Happy colors from my painting make your soul light and kind, giving a smile to all around you.

Welcome on stage JOSIE

Josie represents her own artwork “Feeling by Freedom” and wears a beautiful long romantic dress in pink colors. Josie is presenting to us with much love, the warmth and the playfulness of the cotton-like clouds you can see upon the skies before the sunsets reminding you of the soft like candy.

“Freedom is the color pink... pink clouds... the sky in its most beautiful color. The ease of being pulled up. Lose floating in space. Freedom!”

Welcome on stage TILLY

Tilly is walking on the stage in a wonderful cocktail dress with her own art “Sunny Dance” making it the perfect dress to be able to dance any time, anywhere with much freedom of movement and enjoy every moment of it. Tilly is reminding us that the dance itself can be a wonderful self-expression in any way we want it to be and lift our moods.

She brings us an Italian sun and the creativity of her native country in Art and Fashion, playing with shapes and colors, a state of engaging and liberating at the same time.

Welcome on stage LOREZ

Lorez wears an amazing suit inspired by the abstract artwork “Sunny Dance” by Tilly Opaline and he says:

“Today the day seems fantastic, sun and perfect for a walk. A suit in bright colors, a print made from a work of art, one of the many produced by Tilly Opaline, the designer of his work is the best to express a state of nature and personal mood. He creates an elegant and extravagant look, deserved to be noticed for any events.”

Full Art Fashion Collection by Arkona you may see on vendors at Dragon Sanctuary Gallery during the show today, choose and buy what you most like. Later Collection will move to Arkona's main store.

Your applause to all Stylists and Models!! To all Artists!! To all Sponsors!! Our big thanks for your support, efforts, talent, and much love for everything you do!!

We are happy to close this show and finish a wonderful 2022 year of Art full of amazing events, expos, shows, meetings with new and old friends, many good reasons to remember our humanity, true feelings and emotions, mutual support, and sincere help!

Be happy and healthy! Let there will be only light and happiness for you in the future!

See you next year, till then we wish you good health and much happiness.

Tara wears:

ARKONA Yellow Flowers dress and hat inspired by painting "Yellow Flowers Dream" by Tara Aers

TARA Wicker Miracle handbag

We would like to thank OUR SPONSORS for their talent, creativity, and kindness:

Fantasy Illumination

Thank you!!!

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