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Writer's pictureTara Aers

Apple expo

Updated: Nov 22, 2022

"How simple apple can change a whole life?"

ART EVENT with elements of art expo and RP as Apple Festive


Idea by Commander Dr. Elam (marylooooe), an artist from Germany

with support by Viktor Savior, Covenstead RP sim, owners Plum and Ainsley Weatherwax, RP manager Julian Alexander and Katrina Kristan, creator OLD WORLD (traditional, RP, historical decor&furniture). Wonderful music at the opening by DJ Tini Lisle.

In my article, I use info and material from Viktor Savior, Commander Dr. Elam (marylooooe), Jascha Bailey and Orpheus Paxlapis.

Viktor Savior made a speech at the opening, where he mentioned many things about this expo and event:

Viktor says: "MaryLoo wants to bring and share with us her RL experience that she realized in her community in the area where she lives. This sounds simple. Every autumn they go out and gather apples and pears around. Then produce juice and sell it, giving all money to charity support. A simple and brilliant idea we should try in our RL life too.

During the opening, we will have an Event program and every one of you can take part and be involved in a wonderful process of mutual collaboration and get prizes. Please give your attention to the special HUNT on this small art location. All artists were asked to prepare an Apple cooking traditional recipe from the country where they live. Look for a column with a hand holding Apple, click on it and you get NC with the recipe.

Also, we have today follow surprises:

1. We have Event Sponsors: OLD WORLD, ALB&ShuShu, FIND THE FISH, TARA, ARKONA, FANTASY ILLUMINATION, JUST IMAGINE, and raffle prizes with a random choice of winners during opening time.

2. Special items from the OLD WORLD are on sale.

3. Special art from Mary on sale.

4. Good chance to try RP and learn the "Unity" farming/battle system together with Covenstead RP residents.

If you wish to know about new art events/expos, take a part as Artist, Photographer, Sponsor, or Art&Fashion Blogger or you are an art lover or collector, join the UNITY ART group (free)


Thank you so much all of you, for your support, love, and kindness, for your time, and for great teamwork!

Now I give a place to Mary with her speech.

MaryLoo says: "This event is very important for me, as my RL experience I would like to share with others. I would like to show you how much important to open our eyes to what nature offers us, not to ignore and carelessly leave behind what is available in the stores, to recognize the values that teach us a mindful use of the earth's resources".

Mary's speech at the opening: "Dear guests to the reception today here in covenstead, who knows me knows how emotionally important this day is for me. I thank Viktor and his wonderful team for their professional and personal work and Lee, Tini, Jascha, Alex, and all wonderful friends for being with me. In RL I live in a region with many apple trees in the gardens and along the streets.

During a conversation with Viktor, it did not take long to put a flame in his heart for the rl project: collect, juice, donate, and much more.

In RL it took almost 2 years for the community where I live, to convince and realize this project. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the mayor, the fire department, and all the inhabitants of our village for their support of my life project for the last 10 years. Every year, from the blossom to the ripe apple, the excitement rises anew, what do we get as a gift from nature for our fundraising campaign for local children's aid?

Mother Nature gives willingly:

- we can accept it joyfully, just like that

- the only requirement is to pick up what would otherwise be left careless sometimes on the ground because it's much easier to bye it

- well looking

- in a shop.

Thank you very much for coming, for the friendship lived here, it means a lot to me. Mary.

Mary comes from Germany and here is her speech in her native language as many germans came to support and listen to her at the opening.

Mary sagt:


oder "Wie ein einfacher Apfel ein ganzes Leben verändern kann".

liebe gäste zum heutigen empfang hier in covenstead, wer mich kennt, weiß wie emotional wichtig dieser tag für mich ist.

ich danke Viktor und seinem wunderbaren team für ihre arbeit. bei einem gespräch dauerte es nicht lange, bis auch in seinem herzen eine flamme für das RL-projekt : sammeln, saften, spenden. Ich lebe in einer region mit vielen apfelbäumen in den gärten und entlang der strassen.

In RL hat es fast 2 jahre gedauert, bis meine gemeinde, in der ich wohne, überzeugt war und dieses projekt realisiert hat. Ich möchte diese gelegenheit nutzen, um dem bürgermeister, der feuerwehr und allen einwohnern unseres dorfes für ihre unterstützung meines lebensprojektes in den letzten 10 jahren zu danken.

Jedes jahr, von der blüte bis zum reifen apfel, steigt die aufregung aufs neue, was wir von der natur für unsere spendenaktion für die örtliche kinderhilfe geschenkt bekommen.

Die Mutter Natur gibt bereitwillig:

-wir können es freudig annehmen, einfach so

- die einzige Bedingung ist, das aufzusammeln, was sonst manchmal achtlos auf dem Boden liegen gelassen wird, weil es viel einfacher ist, es

-gut aussehend

- in einem Geschäft zu kaufen.

Vielen dank für ihr kommen, für die hier gelebte freundschaft, sie bedeutet mir sehr viel.


Let's walk around the Art expo area. This is not an ordinary exhibition when you are used to seeing artwork in a gallery. What has been done here at Covenstead is the integration of a purpose-built environment where all the elements and artwork exist harmoniously and the viewer does not feel lost or cold. On the contrary, the atmosphere is so warm and lively that you want to stay here and live for some time, even feeling the air (how is this possible in the virtual world?)

The goals we want to achieve with this event and attract your attention:

1. To respect Nature and accept all gifts it gives us, uses them smart with thanks.

2. To do good things, and help others.

3. Organize teamwork in the community.

4. Promote and support talented people with mutual help.

Event Sponsors:

The whole environment around was built using items from the OLD WORLD, creator is Katrina Kristan, and the builder is Tara Aers. These are superbly crafted decor items that are perfect for building natural, home, and RP locations. All items are modifiable and give a huge amount of creativity to use. They are very lively, natural, tasty, bright .. native! This is exactly what your soul wants when you think about your home, while on a long trip in a foreign country. Believe me.

Now we do an Art Walk and look around at amazing pictures, they were made by: MaryLoo, Alex, Tekillka Irbis, Amandat Tamatzui, Girasol, Michiel Bechir, Viktor Savior, Orpheus Paxlapis, Tara Aers, Al, Jascha Bailey, Deyanira Yalin, Vita Theas, and Luda Alaya Elza. All artworks are different but reflect a harvest and apple theme. You may buy any picture you like and make the artist happy :)

Another special thing that Mary prepared for all guests is COOKING HUNT and RECIPE BOOK. Brilliant idea to unite people worldwide and make some charity for the Feed the Smile fund.

For HUNT: You should walk around and look for big hands with apple, click on the column and get NC with a unique national receipt. All receipts were provided by Artists who exhibited in Covenstead: Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Greece, Mexico, Australia, and Holland. Many easy and tasty Apple dishes! Just try it!

The opening party was so much wonderful, warm, and friendly. All guests had nice conversations, danced, explored around, and enjoyed all surprises, including Prize Ruffle from Sponsors - everyone who was at sim at that moment - received great GIFTS! Thank you so much for the kindness and generosity of the Sponsors! At the main gates, there were Emeline, Girasol and Kitty (professional stylists and models from Unity Fashion modeling agency) who welcomed you with apple dishes and kind words.

Here is the Apple expo Team, some people who still were alive and much happy after 2h long opening! Applause to them!

During this art review Tara wears:

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